Friday, April 24, 2009

So You Think Man Can Destroy the Earth ?

You think man can destroy the planet? What intoxicating vanity. Let me tell you about our planet. Earth is four-and-a-half-billion-years-old. There's been life on it for nearly that long, 3.8 billion years. Bacteria first; later the first multicellular life, then the first complex creatures in the sea, on the land. Then finally the great sweeping ages of animals, the amphibians, the dinosaurs, at last the mammals, each one enduring millions on millions of years, great dynasties of creatures rising, flourishing, dying away –– all this against a background of continuous and violent upheaval. Mountain ranges thrust up, eroded away, cometary impacts, volcano eruptions, oceans rising and falling, whole continents moving, an endless, constant, violent change, colliding, buckling to make mountains over millions of years. Earth has survived everything in its time.

It will certainly survive us. If all the nuclear weapons in the world went off at once and all the plants, all the animals died and the earth was sizzling hot for a hundred thousand years, life would survive, somewhere: under the soil, frozen in arctic ice. Sooner or later, when the planet was no longer inhospitable, life would spread again. The evolutionary process would begin again. Might take a few billion years for life to regain its present variety. Of course, it would be very different from what it is now, but the earth would survive our folly, only we would not. If the ozone layer gets thinner, ultraviolet radiation sears earth, so what? Ultraviolet radiation is good for life. It's powerful energy. It promotes mutation, change. Many forms of life will thrive with more UV radiation. Many others will die out. You think this is the first time that's happened? Think about oxygen. Necessary for life now, but oxygen is actually a metabolic poison, a corrosive glass, like fluorine.

When oxygen was first produced as a waste product by certain plant cells some three billion years ago, it created a crisis for all other life on earth. Those plants were polluting the environment, exhaling a lethal gas. Earth eventually had an atmosphere incompatible with life. Nevertheless, life on earth took care of itself. In the thinking of the human being a hundred years is a long time. Hundred years ago we didn't have cars, airplanes, computers or vaccines. It was a whole different world, but to the earth, a hundred years is nothing. A million years is nothing. This planet lives and breathes on a much vaster scale. We can't imagine its slow and powerful rhythms, and we haven't got the humility to try. We've been residents here for the blink of an eye. If we're gone tomorrow, the earth will not miss us.

- From the Prologue to "Jurassic Park "
by Michael Crichton

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happy Earth Day (And Don't Let the Oil Pipe Hit You on the Way to the Celebration)

As We Say Goodbye to one of the Longest Winters on Record ,

Let us all remember on this Earth Day ....

1) Mr. Ira Einhorn , co-Founder of the Environmentalist Movement and of "Earth Day" in 1970 : he in whose flat more people have been killed before their time than at Three Mile Island , or any any nuke accident ( he got a bit angry one day , killed his gal pal , stored her body in his apartment was arrested, then fled bail to Europe).

2) The "Unibomber" , one Theodore Kaczynski , he who was so cleverly advanced Enviro-wacked causes , by whose hand more people were injured than at any oil spill accident on record ( killed 3 , injured 29) or due to any natural gas pipeline . Sure, the EPA has now classified CO2 as problematic . But plants breathe it everyday, in every corner of Earth. CO2 an environmental problem ? I think that the issue is above the EPA's Pay Grade. There would be nothing organic growing on the planet were it not for CO2 . Who are we kidding ? Perhaps it is just a substitute for a Plant Kingdom Bailout. They cannot control the Plant Kingdom , so just control Plant Food . Then impose your Will upon the entire Kingdom . Aha .

3) Oh yes, and let us not forget one Daniel San Diego, Eco-wacko who targeted Chiron and Shaklee Cos. , and others , for their ties to Huntingdon Life Sciences, a British-based research firm that performs laboratory testing on animals, in order to provide better , safer products for humans. The blasts caused damage to the buildings, but no people were hurt ( YET ) . San Diego is a strict vegan and animal-rights activist who objects to animal testing. He's covered his body in tattoos of burning plains and buildings, including one on his chest that reads, "It only takes a spark."

As Scientist Dr . Freeman Dyson noted : Environmentalism has replaced ( actually renamed ) socialism " .

It has also helped many a lost soul in their attempts to find something to distract themselves of their feelings of non-purpose .