Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Obama does a jig for St . Patrick's Day .
The Obama Administration is out to partay 'til it's 2013 . Out of touch, but always looking "green", they think that you are too involved in your green beer to understand the Green Movement afoot that will make YOU and yours pay needlessly , for years to come .
"Cap and Trade " Just Another Big Brother "Green" Tax : What would it mean for you ?
It could be stopped in the U.S. Congess if The People get smart, and tell them to stop Cap & Trade from passing .
Did you think that "being green" with "Cap & Trade" would just affect the big corporate "bad guys" ? Think again .
The USA would have a positive balance of trade worldwide were it not for the fact that its politicians refuse to allow The People to use American energy . Using the "research" of junk science developed by "researchers" being paid to research , and also being paid if that research proves to back their positive hypothesis , Cap and Trade will be a tax that will raise the prices of home and business energy use, the price of your tennis shoes, your gasoline, your home heating, your boss's expenses in running the business that employs you , and causes an increase in the U.S. trade deficit , further lowering the value of your dollars .
Were the USA to use its own oil and natural gas resources , which are abundant, and still untapped, rather than importing oil ( even from Mexico ) , there would be no balance of trade deficits for America , and no threat of your energy use being taxed into scarcity and highly priced shortage . The USA exports more in product variety and quantity to Mexico than Mexico does to USA . However , in dollar value, even Mexico imports more to USA than USA to Mexico . This is solely because America refuses to use its own petroleum resources , and imports Mexico's
oil .Cap and Trade is a tax that the Obammunists want for you , that would worsen this for American , and benefit only the politicians .
Since "Cap and Trade" is based upon the unproved and false theory that Carbon emissions are a threat to climate , we import what we already have , following our nonsensical U.S. energy policy.The USA buys abroad what we do not need to import , to maintain an appearance that we are not the type to drill oil ! Surely we would not do any of that nasty drilling . Not us . No . Let's let Mexico do it , and we shall pay them for what we dare not extract ourselves . The USA has new, clean methods of extracting oil and natural gas . We have new , clean methods of extracting it from shale in abundant supply in our own Rocky Mountain states that would give America an oil supply bigger than Saudi Arabia's . Paying Mexico, Canada and Saudi Arabia for what we could supply ourselves, which would lower our taxes, create more jobs, prevent and lower inflation , and correct the USA balance of payments deficits is madness . It benefits politicians . Not the American people . This is why they are doing a jig , planning for a windfall of YOUR tax money from Cap & Trade, partying , and oh yes.... always wishing to LOOK green while taking your green . But you won't notice . Or will you ?

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